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wild skills

SheJumps empowers women and girls to seek and reclaim the power of being in the mountains. We volunteered our services to help promote their first-ever Wild Skills event, teaching young girls survival skills, first aid and backcountry ethics. 



Logo Design, Hand Sketching

Photos by Christy Pelland


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Our team helped develop the Wild Skills journal—an interactive tool designed to teach participants the important lessons they need to survive and thrive in the backcountry. We channeled the young girl in each of us to connect with the event's 6 to 18-year-old age group, who attend the event decked out in tutus and girafficorns. 

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In 2016, shejumps hosted 5 wild skills events across the country, serving 222 girls with the help of 190 mentors.

We are immensely grateful to be part of the ripple effect of empowerment that comes with investing in young girls and their future. Organizations like SheJumps inspire us to emulate their 1 to 3 female mentorship ratio and prioritization of serving at risk and low-income groups. In addition, to be part of a monumental effort orchestrated entirely by joyful volunteers fuels our belief that good goes around.

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